Saffron Walden County High School and Partner Primary Schools Summer School at Ultralab to Celebrate Creative Summer School Work
Today the Saffron Walden County High School and Partner Primary Schools came to Ultralab to spend the day with myself and Hal MacLean to work on the DVD case designs of their Summer School project. For this challenge the young people involved in the project learned how to work with the Photo Shop application.
Thirty young people spent the day at the lab, showcasing the work they had achieved over the summer period. The work will go on display to an evening audience at a cinema in Cambridge later this year.
Some of the young people were tasked with making a DVD containing all of the work, this process was done using Apple’s iDVD.
Click here to read about the first time the group of young people were at Ultralab for their training session and challenge setting exercise.
Click here to read about the First Day of the Summer School on August 3rd.
Here is the DVD art created by the groups, while at Ultralab, to reflect the content of their completed films:
Click to expand the images.
Some of the groups also completed a DVD Disc image:
The Summer Challenge, which is set by Ultralab was called “Outside the Box”.
We invite the young people on the project to add comments below to introduce their work before we actually post their completed projects here on the site.
Well done everyone, exceptional work.