What we’ve been doing… and BETT Show 2008
Time goes way to fast. It is almost a year to the week when my previous employer decided not to continue with Ultralab (1990-2006)’s research and consultancy, and myself and the majority of my colleagues had to go off and find new employment.
Alex, Hal MacLean and myself set up Cleveratom (2006-2011) Limited. Cleveratom (2006-2011) is a commercial company that continues in the same field of work that was once the labs bread and butter, we even have the old lab telephone number and some of the furniture. This week we were joined by Nick Platts, another former Ultralab (1990-2006) colleague, our new Director of Innovation with extensive experience in mobile applications development and technology. We’ve now also moved into our second and bigger set of premises since January, have hired more people and brought in further experts and subcontractors.
In a nutshell, this is what we’ve been doing…..
- Researched, written and published a Book/DVD to help schools begin their ‘Learning Platform‘ journey. It has so far been distributed free by our project partner to 2500 schools and we’ve been doing lots of one on one consultancy
- Built software to help schools who prioritise the personalised learning agenda to engage with pupils …
- Built even more software to help schools to design ICT infastructure for learning …
- Visioned technology and design for new school builds as part of the
‘Building Schools for the Future‘ programme all over the UK …
- Bucketloads of work in the learning space design arena, including the technology infastructure for a cutting edge Autistic learning space and a new management lab for a well known international business school …
- Lots of Digital Creativity workshops to help schools understand the creative potential of digital media in learning…
- Presenting at conferences for Learner Voice, building schools, digital creativity and Virtual Learning …
- More software to help organisations and governments evaluate what learning opportunities they offer now and for the future …
…and lots lots more….
We’re also working on a really big carbon reduction project…..
It is only now that I’ve been able to sit down and catch up with the people I’ve lost touch with and tell the ‘what happened next story’….
So, who is coming to BETT at Olympia in January next year?, we have a stand in the Grand Hall, it is upstairs right opposite the organisers office, our stand is P24. It would be great to chat, come and see us, we’ll probably have lots of cakes.
Ewan McIntosh
Hope to see one of the cool things you;’ve been doing at TeachMeet, too! http://www.teachmeet.org.uk, the Friday night of BETT. Would love to meet you guys.