OpenOffice, NeoOffice – free alternatives to Microsoft Office for Mac and Windows (open source software solution)

After hearing news that our local regions biggest publishing group have abandoned paying for Microsoft Office in favour of a free Open Source Software alternative, I decided to explore NeoOffice for Mac.

PC users, you can explore OpenOffice, NeoOffice is written on the same code.

So, for free, all the products offered in Microsoft Office. Not bad hey….Here is a screen grab of me playing….

This is excellent software, donations towards the future development of this open source software are encouraged on the website.

Either way… means people don’t have to pay for office software, and can still use the same file formats they used before (.doc) etc etc etc….

Go give it a go, and feedback here, as ever!

3 thoughts on “OpenOffice, NeoOffice – free alternatives to Microsoft Office for Mac and Windows (open source software solution)

  • mattheweaves
    October 31, 2006 at 2:22 pm

    Submitted by visitor on Fri, 03/24/2006 – 12:42.
    When my delightful buddy (15) asked how she could do her homework in Excel at home, on a Windows PC which had only an abbreviated version of Microsoft Works loaded, I pointed her at the OpenOffice site – one less excuse to avoid Maths homework.

  • mattheweaves
    October 31, 2006 at 2:22 pm

    Submitted by visitor on Fri, 03/24/2006 – 12:37.
    I’ve got NeoOffice as well as Microsoft Office – lucky me! However, NeoOffice works so well that I haven’t bothered to update MS Office. Very useful also for opening some of the odder files sent to me, and converting them to more common file formats.

  • Kismawan
    January 24, 2008 at 6:19 am

    I started to use NeoOffice since Dec 2007. It’s very nice and convenient.
    Since then I never use Microsoft Office. Now I use either NeoOffice or iWork08.
    My friends started to use either NeoOffice or OpenOffice too.
    If possible, I think it’s better if OpenOffice has similar appearance with NeoOffice too. NeoOffice has prettier look.

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