Quick Update – New Staff, New Board, New Office, New Projects…..
We’ve been running now for five months, enjoying the projects and experiences. We got to the point where we needed somebody to help us deliver on some of our technology based projects, and we’ve interviewed and hired our first employee… Welcome to Damian who will be joining us shortly.
Our project list has been expanding and a positive pace, so much so that our blue board (which I wrote about back in April) has turned into two blue boards…… soon to be three ….

On July 1st Cleveratom (2006-2011) moves to Chelmsford into a larger office near the town centre. This puts us back on the main line to London and increases our working space substantially. We’re really grateful to our friends at Exdra who have helped and supported us so far in our Ongar offices. Time has gone so fast since we moved into Ongar on the 22nd of January (I wrote about it here).
We continue to increase our technical team (PHP, JAVA, RUBY, C++ etc…) size, CV’s have been arriving thanks to our appeal… the more the merrier!! the address to send to is on our website.
July the 1st will mark a new era for the company, we’re looking forward to the continued projects, challenges and enjoyment this business is bringing.