In 2011 I moved out of academic research based projects and into commercial business, here is a list of my research 2001 – 2010:
MacLean, H, & Eaves, M. Love your Learning Platform, YHGfL (2010)
Eaves, M. ‘The Truck Research Project’. BBC Blast Youth Panel (2009)
MacLean, H, & Eaves, M. Developing the RUGroom: a case study of creating new opportunities and spaces (physical and virtual) for learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorders – City College Norwich/Cleveratom (2006-2011) (2008)
Heppell, S, Popat, K, Pickering, S, Eaves, M, MacLean, H, & Blanc, A. Virtually There : Learning Platforms – YHGfL/Cleveratom (2006-2011) ISBN: 987-0-9556006-0-9 (2007)
Eaves, M, Mladenova, G, & Hart, G. Research study into the use of e-portfolio’s in Higher and Further Education, JISC/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2006)
Eaves, M, & Furness, F. After the Tsunami through Thailand Eyes, Phuket, Thailand October 2005 Research & DVD, Community Research, British Council/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M. Digital Creativity: Bangkok, Thailand 2005 Research & DVD, Digital Creativity Research, British Council/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M. Digital Creativity on a Global Scale, Multimedia in Education Seminar, Anglia Ruskin University/Ultralab (1990-2006), May 2005, Multimedia in Education (2005)
Eaves, M. Multimedia Seminar: Technology for Creative Purpose, SEEVIC College, June 2005, Multimedia Seminar in Learning SEEVIC/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M, & Buoghen, N. KoreanTV: Integrating Korean Students into the UK Education System Research & DVD, ‘Towards Inclusion’ Chessington Community College/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M, & MacLean, H. Online Multimedia Technology for Creative Purpose, Anglia Ruskin University/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M. Speaker/Paper: Online Technology for Creative Purpose in Teaching and Learning, Jesus College Cambridge, New and emerging technologies, Ultralab (1990-2006) (2005)
Eaves, M, Sisto, M, & Watts, O. 14 – 19 Reform: The National Reaction Production – DfES/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2004)
Eaves, M, & MacLean, H. Rural Norfolk through Rural Eyes’: October 2004, Online Learning for Rural Communities, Rural Norfolk Federation/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2004)
Eaves, M, MacLean, H, Blanc & A. Digital Creativity: a worldwide celebration DVD, December 2004, Digital Creativity Research, SEEVEAZ/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2004)
Eaves, M. Online Learning Communities, Annecy, France, April 2004, Oracle Executive Learning Workgroup, Oracle/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2004)
MacLean, H, & Eaves, M. ‘Fasttrack Teaching, a community perspective’, September 2003, New visions for Online Communities, DfES/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2003)
Eaves, M. Input CBBC: How the British Brodcasting Corporation and Ultralab (1990-2006) researched a new future for creative output, November 2003, New Zealand, The Future of Television, Ultralab (1990-2006) South/Ultralab (1990-2006) North (2003)
Eaves, M, & MacLean, H. Digital Creativity Summer School 2003 Research & DVD, December 2003, SEEVEAZ/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2003)
Eaves, M. ‘A new vision for youth at the RNLI’, February 2002, New Visions for Online Inclusion, RNLI/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2002)
Eaves, M, & Maclean, H. Digital Creativity Summer School 2002 Research & DVD, December 2002, Digital Creativity Research SEEVEAZ/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2002)
Derrick, C, Eaves, M, Millwood, R, Childs, G, Walters, I, & Winter, G. Input CBBC: ‘User-generated content, Researching Childrens’ Television BBC/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2002)
Variopoulos, G, Eaves, M, & Scott-Brown, H. Digital Creativity Summer School 2001 Research & DVD, December 2001, Digital Creativity Research, SEEVEAZ/Ultralab (1990-2006) (2001)