OpenOffice, NeoOffice – free alternatives to Microsoft Office for Mac and Windows (open source software solution)

After hearing news that our local regions biggest publishing group have abandoned paying for Microsoft Office in favour of a free Open Source Software alternative, I decided to explore NeoOffice for Mac. PC users, you can explore OpenOffice, NeoOffice is written on the same code. So, for free, all the products offered in Microsoft Office.

Running Microsoft PowerPoint on an Apple iMac G5 (crash)

Why oh why don’t Microsoft make products that don’t crash? All I wanted to do was open a PowerPoint presentation. I’ve been using a Mac now for five years, it never gets a virus, it never crashes and simply works. Microsoft have been making computer software for well over 20 years, why does this still

Recording iChat Audio Conversations in GarageBand – WOW

Wow! How cool is this? Working with both iChat AV and GarageBand 3 part of Apple’s iLife product suite I can record audio conversations straight into iChat and it splits the participants into their own GarageBand tracks. This means contributions can be credited after the call without guessing who’s voice it is, just imagine the

Presenting learning for creative purpose and new and emerging technologies at Ultralab (1990-2006) to Cambridge University Jesus College

Monday 11 December 2005 Anglia Ruskin University’s Ultralab (1990-2006), the world class learning, technology and research centre was invited to present our work. Ultralab (1990-2006) team members speak at conferences and seminars, we disseminate our research findings and radical action research projects to governments, corporations, charities and academics globally. Malcolm Moss and myself were kindly

Mind the Gap, off to London : Thursday 1st December 2005

I’ve been so busy the past month, that I’ve not had the chance to update this blog, so I’m sorry, you’ll have to ‘Mind the Gap’ as I reflect back on what I’ve done. I’ve got so much holiday still to use up, that I’m in the lab, working on this stuff, catching back up

Saturday 3 December 2006 : BBC Blast, 21CC, Ultralab (1990-2006), Apple, BETT Show and EastEnders

Maureen Gurr and myself headed to London to the BBC Broadcasting House bringing together the young people from Saffron Walden County High School and King Harold School for the planning day for ‘Create at BETT 2006. For the past five years Ultralab (1990-2006) have been working in conjunction with Apple Computer and other partners to

SubEthaEdit brings together the Ultranaut team at Ultralab (1990-2006) for a team meeting

I’ve spoken before about how great SubEthaEdit is. Today we used SubEthaEdit for our Ultralab (1990-2006) team meeting. Last time I was in a team meeting, I joined remotely from Phuket in Thailand, watching the live video feed broadcasted by Ultralab (1990-2006). Ultralab (1990-2006) benefits from a nationally distributed team and new and emerging technologies