Essex SummerSchool 2005 : A Twist of Fate Day….

Ultralab (1990-2006) played host to the Saffron Walden County High School and its partner schools for the 2005 SummerSchool called ‘A Twist of Fate’. I really should update the SummerSchool Website!. Read my earlier article about this project here. The films produced for the ‘Twist of Fate’ Challenge are very cool, some great story lines

Adam Mendelson from IESE Business School, Welcome to Ultralab (1990-2006)!

Ultralab (1990-2006) welcomes today Adam Mendelson, from the IESE Business School. Barcelona, Spain. Adam is a E-Learning Specialist and IT Project Manager, part of the Executive Learning Workgroup project Ultralab (1990-2006) is running in conjunction with our good friends at . Click for the Oracle Website. Welcome Adam (pictured talking with Graham Hart and Martin

Sponsor our Gina, its charity, you know you want to.

I joined in the charity auction for Ultralab (1990-2006)‘s Gina Revill who is raising charity money to go on a trek to Cuba in order to raise much needed research funding for investigating endometriosis. As I was jet lagged still, I did not go to work, but joined in the auction from home via iChat

Enjoy Uncertainty, iPod Shuffle

When I was in the States this time last week I headed into the Apple Store and bought me an iPod Shuffle. I already own an iPod called ‘Curtis’, but its a bit bulky for running, and some mornings the battery has run out and I cant be bothered to charge it in time. So,

Day 8 : Chicago, Atlanta, London Gatwick, Witham

Day 8 Photographs We packed up the car, with our stuff, hit the road on the early hours of Tuesday morning, returned the rental car, waited three hours for the plane, had a McDonalds, flew to Atlanta, had a Pizza Hut, waited for a plane, flew to Gatwick, got the car from the airport carpark,

Day 7 : Squirrel Lake Speed Boating

Woke up after a great nights sleep, to Jim tapping a drum, cheers mate! 🙂 Had a great breakfast on the porch, cooked by Grandma Bohlin before heading down to the basement to pack. We then went out on Grandpa’s boat, a 1974 classic, Kendra and Brian apparently water-ski with just their feet during the

Day 6 : Fishing on Ellerson Lake

Today was another great day, we got up and had a great family breakfast meal with the Willis family before heading out on the road to Lake Ellison, Gary & Cindy Bohlin’s private land and lake. We were going fishing for the first time in our life. Andrew rode in the car with Jim, I

Day 4 : Neenah, Wisconsin

Today is a really strange day, a real blast from the past. I’m writing this entry from the basement, of the Willis family house in Neenah, Wisconsin. Last time I was here, with Andrew was in 1997, when we travelled across the USA and Canada. Day 4 Photo’s Kevin from the Willis family stayed on

Day 3 : Mall of America, Minneapolis in Minnesota

It is nearly 6am UK time, we’ve just got back from spending some time in the motel hot tub, anyone who knows me knows that I love hot tubs and could live in one….so here goes with what happened today…. Day 3 photographs We woke up after a really good nights sleep in Motel David.