V 2008

Justina and I had a great time in Hylands Park at V 2008. Jus really wanted to see 'The Feeling', who were really good. Looking on Facebook a lot of people I know were there too, although chances of bumping into someone you know are pretty slim considering the size of the venue and volume

British Youth Council conference in Nottingham

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning and on the road to Nottingham to run an animation session for an hour with young people attending the British Youth Council conference.  The conference was based at the Nottingham & Trent University, an impressive venue. I had one hour to teach thirty young people

John Bardon EastEnders

I never thought I'd do a blog post about EastEnders but anyone who did not see it on Monday tune in using BBC iPlayer and watch it. John Bardon had a stroke in real life in June last year. He returned to EastEnders as Jim last night for a one off special to help raise

Morning Run

Every morning I go for a run (except for rainy days where Wii Fit enjoys my company. Above is a picture of the river Brain joining the river Blackwater at 7.30 this morning. This blog entry was written on the move using an iPhone and sent to www.mattheweaves.co.uk and Facebook.

Colin Elsey

It has been ages since we last met up with, but ladies and gentlemen… Colin Elsey becomes the latest Ultranaut to have tea on the Cleveratom (2006-2011) sofa …. We’re all big fans of Colin and his work in the field of Design & Technology in innovative learning and back in the lab days Colin