Ultralab (1990-2006) and Digital Creativity : The Future, what do we do next?
It was my turn yesterday to undertake a ‘Lunchtime Session’, which are organised by Ultralab (1990-2006)‘s Pete Bradshaw.
The Lunchtime Sessions are designed to fit our busy working environment. Basically, everyone heads into the ‘Anglia Room’ and has their lunch while one of the Ultranaut team presents a new project, demonstrates new software, shares a vision or looks for solutions to an issue.
Our debates are very interactive, and everyone is encouraged to join in and share ideas.
Ultralab (1990-2006) has the benefit of a distributed workforce, meaning we have a strong regional presence across the UK, and these Ultranauts are ‘beamed in’ to the debate using the latest technologies.
Yesterdays lunchtime session was ‘my cry for help’, asking our team what we should be doing with our Digital Creativity project this year.
We’ve done so much in the past, breaking new ground and turning heads worldwide.
We have strong relationships with national broadcasters and museums. This Lunchtime Session was to ensure that our continued work in the children’s digital creativity arena continued beyond the exceptional levels already achieved.
The meeting was conducted using our usual collaborative technologies, and also, for a test, with SubEthaEdit from Coding Monkeys.
SubEthaEdit is excellent, I’ve been using it for well over a year, and thankfully it is
SubEthaEdit allows users to connect to a single document and collaboratively change that document, with the ability to see the document unfold as many people write it at once, the screenshot to the right is a list of all the people who were busy editing the document as we went along ——–>
I will write about SubEthaEdit another time, because it really is a blog entry in its own right.
We’ve concluded that we need to develop the book this year about what we’ve learnt. We’ll also be exploring new funding routes. Click here to find out more about what we’ve been doing in the past.
BBC Blast! have also been in touch recently and want to put lots of the movies created by young people on our Digital Creativity projects onto the Blast! website.
The ongoing process will evaluate where we are, and what we will do next.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the project over over past five years. An incredible 31 Ultranaut’s were involved in the project over the past year. In total we ran nine Digital Creativity projects over the past year, from Wales, Northern Ireland to projects running across Australia, New Zealand and Sinapore.
Click to preview some of the meeting Ultranaut’s: If you are interested in seeing the full movie, it is available in our internal online community, along with the SubEthaEdit document.